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Título: Hand book of the imprisoned person: english version
Autor(es): Conselho Nacional de Justiça
Palavras-chave: Sistema penitenciário
Direitos humanos
Direito penitenciário
Inclusão social
Sistema penitenciário
Data do documento: 2012
Editor: CNJ
Citação: CONSELHO NACIONAL DE JUSTIÇA. Hand book of the imprisoned person : english version. 2nd. ed. Brasília: CNJ, 2012. 42 p.
Descrição: FOLLOW ME 5 - PRESENTATION 9 - CONVICT OR TEMPORARY PRISONER? 11 - PRISONER’s DUTIES 12 - PRISONER’s RIGHTS 16 - PUNISHMENT FULFILMENT REGIMES 17 - BENEFITS 17 - REGIME PROGRESSION 17 - 1. Progression to SEMI-OPEN CONDITION 17 - 1.1. Day release Jobs 19 - 1.2. Technical Training, High School Education or University Education 19 - 1.3. Temporary Leave 19 - 2. Progression to OPEN CONDITIONS 20 - 3. Punishment Remission 21 - 4. Conditional Release 21 - 5. Exit Permission (art. 120 from LEP) 22 - 6. Punishment Indulgence and Commutation 22 - DISCIPLINE 23 - 7. Of Serious Faults 23 - 8. Data-base for benefits 24 - CONCEPT 24 - SANCTIONS 24 - Differentiated Disciplinary Regime (RDD) 24 - Do you want to know more? 25 - ANNEXES 26 - HABEAS CORPUS FORMULARY 26 - PETITION MODEL 28 - FRACTIONS FOR BENEFITS 29 - ORDINARY CRIME – PRIMARY DEFENDANT 29 - ORDINARY CRIME – RECIDIVIST 29 - HIDEOUS CRIME - PRIMARY 29 - HIDEOUS CRIME - RECIDIVIST 29 - ORDINARY CRIME + HIDEOUS CRIME – PRIMARY DEFENDANT 29 - ORDINARY CRIME + HIDEOUS CRIME – RECIDIVIST DEFENDANT 29 - IMPORTANT NOTES 35
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/277
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